Two people sitting and talking while moving their hands

As organisations endeavour to create inclusive cultures, employers are increasingly asking how they can encourage employees to bring their whole selves to the (virtual) office. To live and work authentically helps individuals feel more satisfied in their roles and can spark a more productive atmosphere. By empowering people to be themselves, employers are likely to…

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Two people sitting, talking and holding a tablet in an office

For successful organisations, developing people is not just an employee benefit. It is an integral part of business strategy. In the wake of the Great Resignation, or as I prefer the Great Reconfiguration, many companies have come to recognise that individuals are looking for opportunities to grow. Helping your staff build new skills contributes to…

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Colleagues sitting at a table writing in notebooks

After a time of so much transformation, it is remarkable to think the speed of change is only continuing to accelerate. While this evolution may feel overwhelming at times, especially for those of us with a preference for first-third Assertiveness and Flexibility, it is possible for organisations to promote evolution in a nurturing, inviting manner.…

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Group of people meeting around a table

The holy grail of many organisations and HR departments is achieving team effectiveness. But how do we measure this? Team effectiveness and performance evaluation have always been hot buzzwords in the industry. Leaders of those teams often ask, “How do we enhance the performance of our team?” The question then posed in return by trainers…

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Man working in office

As we begin to return to normal life, the question that is begging to be asked is – “What normal are we returning to?” For most businesses, this pandemic has disrupted the way we operate in a more permanent way. Goals for 2020 would have changed rather drastically; strategic plans would need to be relooked,…

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Two people collaborating on a project

With the rise of virtual communication, here are 3 things we can look at to build positive relationships. Recently, I had the privilege of being invited to speak on two virtual webinars – one entitled “Handling Relationships amidst the Circuit Breaker” and the other “A Positive Workspace in the Home Space”. The common thread is…

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Heart held in hand

Love seems to be a “bad” word to use when discussing all things related to work or organisations or corporate culture. But why? It’s almost as if we are programmed to not discuss the possibility of being kind, caring or loving at the workplace. Over a lifetime, the average person spends about 90,000 hours at…

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Two young leaders at a white board

I recently read an interesting article on Rotational Leadership, which is one of the cornerstones of corporate talent development. It was written by a friend, Nicholas Goh, CEO of Verztec Consulting, a leading multilingual communications company headquartered in Singapore. It was interesting to me not just because it was about talent development or people development,…

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Plant growing

In the industry, there are many models that discuss how people deal with changes both at work (individual or organisational change) and personally, but none of them subscribe to the idea that, perhaps, we each respond to change differently. How odd, considering we know from empirical data that we are unique individuals and we very…

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